Windows 7 and Mac OS X: A Head to Head Comparison

In this third episode, the Tech Doctors begin a series of podcasts where they will do a head to head comparison of Windows 7 and Mac OS X.


Robert begins by thanking folks who have emailed us. He discusses a few of the other podcasters who have been kind enough to mention us on their shows.


Check out Michael Lauf and Ricky Inger who do an excellent podcast for Serotek


Next Robert and Jenny thank Allison Sheridan of the most informative and entertaining NOSILLA Cast for her kindness and awesome support.


Robert thanks Erin and Rodney Edgar for mentioning us on their Tech Access Weekly podcast.


Finally, Robert expresses appreciation to Jamie Pauls, host of Main Menu, a weekly technology broadcast on ACB Radio for rebroadcasting the second Tech Doctor podcast.


We next explain what an operating system is and we explore the different flavors of Windows 7 and the one flavor of Mac OS X.


We then describe how Windows is copy protected and Mac OS X is not. We compare the cost of Windows computers and Apple computers. We talk about how sellers of Windows machines bring the cost down by installing trial software.


We then discuss the installation and setup of the two operating systems. While both include built-in screen readers, we look at the fact that VoiceOver on the  Mac can offer speech feedback during installation and the Windows Narrator screen reader cannot.


Next we discuss the additional cost of purchasing a Windows screen reader versus the no cost screen reader that is built-in on the Mac.


Finally, we talked about some advantages of running Windows. Software like the System Access Mobile Network and the Fire Fox browser are not accessible on the Mac.


Stay tuned for part two of the series where we will fire up our screen readers and dig in to the details of accessing both operating systems.


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