iPhone and iOS 9

In this Tech Doctor episode, Allison and Robert speak with Anna Dresner about her recently released book “Getting Started with the iPhone and iOS 9.”

For several years, Anna has worked with National Braille Press to publish the only hardcopy braille step-by-step guide to using the iPhone for blind users. This latest update, covers all of the basics plus everything that is new in iOS 9. In addition to the book being great for beginners, the book will appeal to people who simply need to be reminded how a particular feature works. Geeks who want to know everything about the new features in iOS 9 will find this book helpful as well.

In addition to hardcopy braille, the book is available in DAISY, Word and Epub formats.

To locate the book, a reference card and other materials, go to
The National Braille Press
website and type “iPhone” in the search box.

Thanks Anna. The Tech Doctors appreciate all of the care and detail that you always put into this book. It is an excellent resource.


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